Newsletter Issue 2 2018

MCTA MARINE CORPS TANKERS ASSOCIATION USMC Ground MOS Awards Tanker Crew 2017 TIGERCOMP Winning Crew – 1st Tk Bn LtCol Charles Montgomery, CO 4th Tanks, Greg Poland, former CO 1st Tanks, Cpl Koert, GySgt Yousef, Buster Diggs, Pres. MCTA, Sgt Hensley, Cpl Hoesher, Col Tom Gordon, Staff Sec CMC (former CO 1st Tanks) President’s Message […]

Newsletter Issue 1 2018

MCTA MARINE CORPS TANKERS ASSOCIATION “Red” Saunders’ “Golden Tee” President’s Message Even losing those we cherish, our Association must continue to move out at a full thirty inch pace. I am always torn on emphasizing the passing of one member over another but George “Red” Saunders must be so honored. Our hospitality suite will be […]

Newsletter Issue 1 2017

MCTA MARINE CORPS TANKERS ASSOCIATION MCTA Reunion 2016 Fort Benning, Georgia President’s Message A Belated Happy Birthday & Happy New Year To Our Marine Corps Tankers Association. The East Coast was surviving Hurricane Matthew and we were holding our reunion in Fort Benning, Georgia. Past President Casey was giving us day to day SITREPS on […]

Newsletter Issue 3 2017

MCTA MARINE CORPS TANKERS ASSOCIATION USMC Ground MOS Awards Tanker Crew 2017 TIGERCOMP Winning Crew – 1st Tk Bn LtCol Charles Montgomery, CO 4th Tanks, Greg Poland, former CO 1st Tanks, Cpl Koert, GySgt Yousef, Buster Diggs, Pres. MCTA, Sgt Hensley, Cpl Hoesher, Col Tom Gordon, Staff Sec CMC (former CO 1st Tanks) President’s Message […]

Newsletter Issue 2 2017

MCTA MARINE CORPS TANKERS ASSOCIATION President’s Message Happy Birthday To Our Tanker Family Greetings Fellow Tankers Association Members, I am focusing this message on encouraging all who can attend the combined reunion in St. Louis to do so. Members who belong to our MCTA Association and the Vietnam Tankers Association will not have to choose […]

Newsletter Issue 2 2016

MCTA MARINE CORPS TANKERS ASSOCIATION MCTA Reunion 2016 Fort Benning, Georgia President’s Message Another Greeting My Association Members, This message will focus on our upcoming reunion. This reunion is significant for two reasons: (1) the general membership meeting on Saturday, 15 October will provide some necessary and long overdue discussion on critical topics, and (2) […]

Newsletter Issue 1 2016

MCTA MARINE CORPS TANKERS ASSOCIATION MCTA Reunion 2016 Fort Benning, Georgia President’s Message Our reunion in Hawaii was enjoyed by all who participated, but location and cost restricted many from attending. This year’s reunion is in the center of our great country and at a location where costs are less for all items. The Marine […]

Newsletter Issue 2 2015

MCTA MARINE CORPS TANKERS ASSOCIATION Hawaii Reunion 2015 President’s Message This past year has been an exciting one for your Association. Another round of exceptional scholarship recipients was completed. Exhausting and meticulous work by your West Coast Chapter Tank commander initiated a more responsive Website. Our “Tanker Of The Year” awards program with fourteen […]